COP26 – #LetsGetReal

COP26 – #LetsGetReal

In case you have not heard, world leaders are meeting in Glasgow in a few days to discuss what they can do about climate change. If you want to learn more about this, there are lots of resources already online. I want to talk about some of the challenges we face but also why I feel there is a lot […]

Mini Connection Journey

Mini Connection Journey

This year, I have been connecting with people all around the world – we have been coming together with a common interest in helping people and planet. It has made me realise the importance of having these interactions, as well as other types of connection. I have made a short introduction video here. Connection with the Earth For the first […]

The Climate Reality Leadership Corps

The Climate Reality Leadership Corps

When I was growing up, I would watch people complaining on the news about some issue saying that “someone should do something about it.” It frustrated me that there was never any sense of who or what they should be doing. There was always the implication that we are all happy to complain about things but never willing to step […]

Nature-Connected Neighbourhoods

Nature-Connected Neighbourhoods

The 2019 State of Nature report presented a gloomy picture of the declines in UK wildlife since the 1970s. According to the report, butterfly and moth populations are down by 17% and 25% respectively and 26% of UK mammal species are at risk of becoming extinct in the UK. Hedgehogs have been in “massive long-term declines.” There are multiple causes […]