
Introduction to Nature Connection

Introduction to Nature Connection

What is a Natural Mindfulness Walk? Let’s start with what it isn’t! Very often when we walk outdoors, we are doing what I would call “hiking”, by which I mean walking at pace with the objective of covering some ground. The other thing we may do when we walk outdoors is either to talk continuously to another person or to […]

Imbolc and Betwixt

Imbolc and Betwixt

Many of us enjoy connecting with the Wheel of the Year and seek to mark the changing seasons with gathering and ceremony. Nature connection naturally brings us towards an awareness of the changing seasons and a marking of migration and return – or endings and beginnings, if you prefer (for me an ending implies a nothingness beyond and a beginning […]

How did Gender Identity Become Such a Battlefield?

How did Gender Identity Become Such a Battlefield?

I wasn’t expecting to wade into the forum of gender identity this morning when I sat in meditation and deep Earth listening. What came, though, was that beautiful deep feminine presence – the quiet, hopeful, persistent voice – intensely powerful and enduring, but not forceful. How is it that the waves of the Ocean rise and crash against the shore […]

Don’t Leave Your Post in the Web of Life

Don’t Leave Your Post in the Web of Life

I am sitting with my connections in the Web of Life and learning about what is needed from us right now. What came is that when we go off seeking answers outside of ourselves, when we go off in our heads to past or future, we abandon our post in the Web of Life. We are being called to be […]



Devastating news images and social media posts detailing horrific suffering are bringing peace globally to the top of the agenda for so many of us, but what is peace and how do we bring it about? If this is not a spiritual question, then I don’t know what is. It calls us to go within and ask and sit in […]

An Introduction to Animal Communication

An Introduction to Animal Communication

This post is just a very short introduction to animal communication. There is so much that can be said on this subject. Here I focus on Human and animal communication. We tend to think of communication as an indication of intelligence and, because our ability to understand Human communication is much more developed, I suspect this has contributed greatly to […]

We Are Family

We Are Family

We are increasingly becoming aware of the harms of our perceived disconnection from the natural world and of increasing polarization amongst our fellow Humans. Whilst we work hard to counter the effects of climate change, loss of wildlife, war and social injustice, surely we cannot fix these problems using the same mindset that created them. As a foundation, we need […]

My Issue with Nature Connection

My Issue with Nature Connection

I have always had a fascination with language. It is a window on culture and mindset, giving insight into the way the world is viewed. It can also open your eyes and signpost you to experiencing the world in a different way. Appreciating and exploring (with permission) the languages of other cultures is a delight I highly recommend. It helps […]

Chronicling a Climate Journey – Connecting with Birds

Chronicling a Climate Journey – Connecting with Birds

3rd September 2022 Down on the south coast of England is a little patch of heaven. A patchwork of habitats offer wonderful places for birds to rest, breed and feed. Great habitats for birds are often a positive result from human activities –  former landfill sites and gravel pits as well as managed nature reserves. I heard someone describe the […]

We Need to Talk about Plastic Grass

We Need to Talk about Plastic Grass

I have a confession to make – a few years ago we had some squares of artificial grass to make the path in our garden. Obviously, this was before I was aware that it breaks down and sheds microplastics into the environment. It was also before I appreciated just how much impact plants in soil have on climate change and […]