An Introduction to Animal Communication

An Introduction to Animal Communication

This post is just a very short introduction to animal communication. There is so much that can be said on this subject. Here I focus on Human and animal communication. We tend to think of communication as an indication of intelligence and, because our ability to understand Human communication is much more developed, I suspect this has contributed greatly to […]

We Are Family

We Are Family

We are increasingly becoming aware of the harms of our perceived disconnection from the natural world and of increasing polarization amongst our fellow Humans. Whilst we work hard to counter the effects of climate change, loss of wildlife, war and social injustice, surely we cannot fix these problems using the same mindset that created them. As a foundation, we need […]

Chronicling a Climate Journey – Connecting with Birds

Chronicling a Climate Journey – Connecting with Birds

3rd September 2022 Down on the south coast of England is a little patch of heaven. A patchwork of habitats offer wonderful places for birds to rest, breed and feed. Great habitats for birds are often a positive result from human activities –  former landfill sites and gravel pits as well as managed nature reserves. I heard someone describe the […]

We Need to Talk about Plastic Grass

We Need to Talk about Plastic Grass

I have a confession to make – a few years ago we had some squares of artificial grass to make the path in our garden. Obviously, this was before I was aware that it breaks down and sheds microplastics into the environment. It was also before I appreciated just how much impact plants in soil have on climate change and […]

Wildlife Gardening in the Climate Crisis

Wildlife Gardening in the Climate Crisis

Edit Post        Edit with Elementor Switch to draft Preview Update 69/100             Wildlife Gardening in the Climate Crisis – Drought   There is a significant overlap between people who care about climate change and people who care about biodiversity. For starters, climate change is a threat to biodiversity – it is a […]

Connecting with Local Nature Introduction

Connecting with Local Nature Introduction

Objectives Feel connected with nature & where you live Cultivate a regular nature connection practice Build connection with community (in-person/online) Understand how everything is interconnected Understand how your local space fits in to the bigger picture Learn how wildlife gardening can make a difference Raise awareness of Nature-Connected Neighbourhoods Optionally raise funds for Nature-Connected Neighbourhoods Bring together Nature-Connected Neighbourhoods community/build […]

The Trouble with Tree Planting

The Trouble with Tree Planting

Tree planting can be fantastic and I have planted trees myself in the hopes of establishing native hedging for wildlife in my garden, so I am not entirely against it, but I want to highlight some of the things that I find troubling. The fundamental problem that I have with tree planting for offsetting stems from the “nature as a […]



It’s April 2022. For three days in March, temperatures in Antarctica were more than 40 degrees Celsius above the seasonal mean. At the same time, in the Arctic, the temperature was hitting 30 degrees above normal for the time of year. The polar ice haunts me. I want to look away, to turn the volume up on Netflix, to sleep […]